Is the G-Spot Real?

January 27, 2012 2 min read 1 Comment

Threedukes Asks:

Recently, there was a report declaring the "G-Spot" does not exist (  The article quotes a doctor as saying "Without a doubt, a discreet anatomic entity called the G-spot does not exist."

So this is a fun game.  Learn about it but not where.  Then learn where but can't reach it.  Learn the original location was wrong, find new location.  Find new location, girlfriend loves it, and now we have this doctor telling us we didn't find it.  Who knew being a straight guy could be so confusing?!  :-D

So while I'll keep doing what I am doing - it stimulates, and well, and so I care little what it is officially called - but I would be very interested in your comments of the article.


p.s.  Really enjoy your blog, your store, and your style.  Thank you!

Dear Threedukes:

Hmmm..the first thing I noticed here is that many of the people talking about the G-spot in this article are men. Furthermore, the person that the G-spot is named after is also a man. The two female researchers are quoted as remaining neutral or even indecisive as to whether the G-spot exists: "We don't even have orgasm all figured out yet, I don't know why we would expect to have the G-spot figured out". Doesn't sound like a definitive "no" to me.

So in response to your inquiry, is the G-spot really a walnut-sized powerhouse for orgasmic potential? Maybe. Although it's location and sensations will differ from woman to woman. Is it just the tail of the clitoris? Probably. But who's to say it can't be both? Why can't this spot also be an extension of the clit?  Oh, that's right, because a couple of gentlemen said so.

Just as a person's sexual identity is unique to its owner, if you want to know if the G-spot is real, ask a woman. If she thinks she has a G-spot, then she probably does, and in whatever way she chooses to define it. As long as it makes her experience tremendous pleasure, who are we to question it? You said it perfectly, Threedukes: keep doing what your doing. It stimulates, so who cares what it's officially called?

For more information on the G-spot, check out just about any book on female sexual pleasureon our website. Notice that most of them will be written by potential G-Spot candidates (AKA women) ;)

1 Response

Michael A. Moran, PhD.
Michael A. Moran, PhD.

January 27, 2012

Trained as a scientist, I am of a mind that scientists must be very careful when making statements to the general public. We had a truism when I was in grad school, “When we were undergrads they taught us the facts, in graduate school they teach us there are no facts.” And for good scientists that is how it is. There are no facts. There are probabilities of various hypotheses being true, and these probabilities are determined by data.

Now most normal human beings don’t do to well with probability. They like to know that something is either one way or the other. And they really don’t want to hear there are five major lines of thought on something and 53 hypotheses with varying degrees of non-orthogonal correlation between them; with 6,327 studies having data relevant to determining the relative truth of these points of view.

We don’t have an agreement in science about when it is ‘ok’ to say something is a fact to the general public. Evidence on global warming has pretty much everybody convinced the probability that it is occurring is well above 99%. It’s safe to say, “Yes, global warming is happening, and if that’s the case we can expect certain things to happen.” Past that there is plenty of disagreement on which things will happen when, and what the magnitude will be.

Regarding the G-spot, we are nowhere near 99% certainty on what exactly is going on. We don’t spend much money on sex research in this world, so discoveries happen slowly. Eventually it will be figured out, along with female ejaculation and the source of anal orgasms, and a whole bunch of other things some of which we don’t even know about yet. But until there is strong general agreement among scientists working in this area, public pronouncements other than, “We’re not sure yet.”, are not justified.

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